
Welcome to the new year. We at the Mary Nwamadi Foundation had a good year filled with charity activities. In our usual tradition, we tried our utmost best to put smiles on the faces of the needy and the less priviledged in our immediate society.

Some of the charity events include:

  • Commisioning and paying salaries to women to sweep the Azaraegbelu Market Square
  • JAMB Registration for indigent students
  • Buying of Baking Machines for indigents in Lagos, Azaraegbelu and Avuvu Communitees -(Villages in Imo State Nigeria)
  • Paying of school fees for indigent students
  • Sundry charity activities aimed at uplifting the poor and giving hope to the hopeless

Our Goal For The New Year:

  • Increase exposure for the Mary Nwamadi Foundation – We intend to do this by engaging in more activities that will raise awareness for our foundation with a view to enabling us reach more people that need charity in Afroca in general and Nigeria in particular
  • Raise Funds – The Mary Nwamadi Foundation intends to involve itself in more fund raising activities with a view to expanding the scope of our charity work and in effect affect more lives.
  • Receive Media Coverage – We intend to increase visibility by ensuring more media coverage for our ctivities in order to promote transparency and buy-in from intending donors
  • Get More Donors – Use the above activities to get the trust and buy-in of more donors to our charity cause and hence affect more lives positively
  • Much more







By admin